Meet Judy

Meet Judy!

judyleonphotoI love everything about the natural world (except ticks!), and I have let it be my guide in how I raise plants and animals, and how I design. I have a lifetime of experience in bringing nature and art together. At Haven Hill Farm, I am both the grower and the designer, bringing your special flowers all the way from seed to bouquet!

I grew up with animals and plants. I was given my own garden space and seeds when I was four. Everywhere I have lived in all the decades since, I have had at least one animal companion (even if it was a secret), and have started or expanded a garden, and have filled my indoor space with plants and bouquets of my own flowers.

I also grew up with art. My early training was in oil painting, but I later discovered a preference for working in three dimensions, and turned to sculpture. Later still, I found a way to spend more time outdoors while combining my interests in art and horticulture: garden design! The ultimate challenge is designing in FOUR dimensions, because excellent landscape design must factor in the passage of time and its influence on the plant material. My floral design work grew directly from this foundation, because (not surprisingly) the same elements are key to both: color, texture, dimension, contrast, and (sometimes) surprise!